No one wants to say, “My Website Doesn’t Drive Leads.” You must get your website back up and running because it’s bad news for you, your team, and your business. If you find yourself scratching your head, wondering why your website isn’t driving the leads you expected, fear not. This article will guide you through a comprehensive approach to revamping your online presence and transforming your website into a lead-generating powerhouse.

Or, if you want a professional site audit, contact our award-winning team online or ring us at +255 783 957 836 to speak with a strategist.

1. Use SEO

Of all the digital marketing strategies, search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the least used; only 44% of businesses invested in SEO last year. Nonetheless, it is among the most significant categories of digital marketing in general. The generation of organic leads is greatly impacted by this internet marketing tactic. When your company uses search engine optimization (SEO), you implement a variety of tactics that improve your presence in search results, such as those found on Google.

More visibility in search results is what you want because that’s how consumers and business buyers make purchases. As a point of reference, a search engine is used to initiate over 90% of online experiences.

To your target market, you become nonexistent if your company doesn’t show up in search results for your business, industry, goods, or services.

It could directly lead to a drop in website leads for your business. Even if you do use SEO, results are not guaranteed right away. In addition to technical SEO knowledge, skill is needed to develop a winning SEO strategy.

Moreover, it’s a continuous investment. Creating an optimized page, and then exiting it won’t work for any business. You must integrate SEO into every aspect of your lead generation and business strategy.

All right, so tell me how you use SEO to make more leads from your website. The following actions can help your business start increasing the lead generation rates on your website:

  • Examine your website, either internally or through a reliable SEO company.
  • Investigate your market to learn about its needs and pain points, for example, by looking through social media.
  • With the aid of programs like KeywordsFX, create a list of pertinent keywords to target for your website.
  • Make sure your multimedia and content are optimized using SEO best practices.
  • Upload your website with the optimized content.
  • Every month, assess the performance of your content.

Most of the time, within six months, content should start to pay off for your company. Your website should see an increase in traffic as it becomes more visible in search results. Since you focused on keywords associated with your business, that traffic ought to be made up of qualified visitors. Think about hiring a professional SEO audit if your SEO performance is still giving you problems.

2. Improve your page speed

Another factor contributing to a website’s underperformance in terms of lead generation is speed. In addition to hurting SEO, slow-loading pages can also reduce traffic, leads, and rankings. For this reason, you should evaluate both the SEO and loading times of your website.

It makes sense to users why a sluggish website can reduce the amount of leads you receive. No matter how fantastic your product or service is, or how helpful it is to businesses, nobody wants to wait for your website to load. Users now demand that websites load in two seconds or less.

But a startling amount of websites fall short of that standard. Because of this, increasing your page speed will benefit your company right away. Conversion rates can increase by 10% with only a single, one-second page speed improvement.

A one second page speed improvement
Can increase conversions by 10%

Page speed not only annoys users but also has an impact on your SEO. Relevant page bounce rates are taken into consideration by search engines such as Google when ranking websites in search results. The percentage of visitors to your page who left (or “bounced”) without engaging with it is known as your bounce rate.

This response indicates to search engines that visitors to your website were unable to find what they were looking for. Your site’s ranking drops as a result, which affects your traffic and digital lead generation initiatives.

How therefore can you increase page speed to generate leads for your website?

The following steps and some development experience are necessary for speed optimization of your website:

  • Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool to see how quickly your website loads.
  • Put together the recommendations and results from PageSpeed Insights.
  • Revise your content and multimedia publishing procedures.

A few modifications your company might make to its website and publishing guidelines are as follows:

  • reducing the size of your picture files
  • Minimizing the redirects on your website
  • Reduce the size of your CSS files.
  • Making your HTML files more efficient
  • Switching web hosting companies

It makes sense to spend money on page speed optimization services if your business lacks an in-house developer or has a small development team. You can optimize the speed of your website, boost SEO, and generate more leads from it by using page speed optimization services.

3. Optimize your contact forms

There are several ways your business can get leads from its website:

  • A customer uses the dedicated phone number on your website to contact your company.
  • A user registers for an ebook, email newsletter, or other content.
  • Someone fills out your online contact form.

Although a phone call has great value, one of the more popular ways that businesses get leads is through contact forms. For this reason, you should check your contact forms if your website isn’t generating leads.

When valuable potential leads see your contact form, they may become less interested in contacting your business after visiting your website and viewing your offerings.

Your contact form has the power to make or break lead generation, whether it’s filled out incorrectly or requires too much information.

To maximize lead generation on your website, how can you optimize your contact forms? With the following advice, your business can get your contact forms operating again:

  • Verify that your form functions properly and sends the data to your sales team.
  • Request that friends, family, and coworkers fill out the form and submit their comments.
  • Examine your form fields to see which ones are necessary and which are not.
  • Include a strong, benefit-filled call to action (CTA)
  • To test out various form fields, copy, and designs, run A/B tests.
  • On relevant pages, such as a service or product page, move your contact form above the fold.

You can keep enhancing the functionality and performance of your contact forms even after your company has finished this thorough audit and renovation. You can keep doing beneficial A/B tests to advance your lead generation efforts with a free tool like Google Optimize, for instance.

4. Add compelling CTAs

You can examine various sections of your website if you’re not receiving leads from it. But one thing businesses frequently overlook is their CTAs. Even though a CTA might not seem like much, it can have a big impact on what users do.

Your company recommends something to readers with a call to action (CTA). For instance, a service page can suggest to users to get in touch with you so they can try out a software demo. Alternatively, it might advise them to fill out a form to get a quote right away.

Writing Effective CTAs
✓ Make CTAs short and to the point
✓ Focus CTAs on what the user want or needs
✓ A/B test CTAs with tools like Google Optimize.
✓ Keep CTAs simple and free of buzzwords

You give users too many options if your website lacks a call to action. A weak offer might make potential leads disregard your instructions, even if you do use calls to action (CTAs) throughout your website. In either case, leads are not being generated by your company or its website.

So, how can you increase leads on your website with CTAs? The following actions can help your business convert your CTAs into convincing recommendations:

  • Find out what your audience’s needs, wants, and pain points are by researching them.
  • Examine your rivals’ calls to action and distinctive selling propositions (USPs).
  • Using your evaluation and study, come up with a list of possible CTAs.
  • Make your CTAs stand out from the rest of the page by updating the design of your page.

Use these pointers to increase your call-to-actions impact on users:

  • Keep your calls to action brief and direct.
  • Concentrate your CTAs on the needs or desires of the user.
  • A/B Try out your call to action using Google Optimize.
  • Keep your call to action brief and free of jargon.

It’s critical to keep creating and testing CTAs even after your company finds a formula that enhances lead generation and works for your CTAs. You can find new strategies to inspire your audience and increase lead generation with each update.

5. Target leads at every stage of the buying funnel

Depending on your industry, bottom-of-the-funnel users may be the focus of your marketing and advertising strategy. Instead of luring in customers who are still investigating and comparing suppliers, you want to draw in business buyers who are prepared to buy your good or service. However, the potential of your website to generate leads is limited by this narrow focus.

Companies that disregard top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) and middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) users are shutting themselves out of a sizable market. Even though a lot of consumers these days approach their purchases in non-linear ways, marketing and advertising strategies can still easily overlook these important consumers. Your company should therefore focus on each stage of the purchasing funnel.

A thorough, all-inclusive approach to the buying funnel will enable your business to cultivate potential leads into customers when the time comes for them to sign.

How then do you generate leads by focusing on the whole buying funnel? Businesses can begin to reap the rewards of concentrating on TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU customers by:

  • Finding out what TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU are interested in learning about your sector or services
  • Developing and SEO-optimized content for TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU searches
  • Using social media to promote your content to get worthwhile shares and buzz

If you choose to use this tactic, keep in mind that results won’t come right away. For example, your content won’t show up in search results right away unless you start a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign to advertise it.

Turn your website into a lead-generating machine

There’s a problem if your website isn’t generating leads. Today’s business buyers conduct research, evaluate, and make contact with companies using search engines and the Internet.

Because that kind of website generates leads, you need to make sure it performs well in search results and offers the greatest user experience. Start enhancing the amount of leads that your website generates right now. Even website optimization tools are at your disposal!

Not to add, SteveAyo can assist you in lead management. Get in touch with SteveAyo if you require expert help with creating, implementing, and overseeing your SEO strategy. We’re the go-to option for businesses today thanks to our decades of experience and the more than 7.8 million leads we’ve generated for clients in the last five years. Give us a call at +255 783 957 836 to speak with a committed strategist right away!

You’re hiring one of the top web designers in the world when you collaborate with us to build the most exquisite website for your company!

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